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Engaging in and Achieving Therapeutic (E.A.T) Meal Support Training

This training is designed to enable users to be able to:

  • Understand what meal support is and how it is an important part of treatment for eating disorders.
  • Identify how to find local information about dining room protocols.
  • Explain what contracting is.
  • Feel confident contracting with patients at the start of a meal.
  • Describe what a therapeutic environment is and why it is important at mealtimes.
  • Understand what eating disorder behaviours are, how these may present before, during and after meals, and how to appropriately address this.

60 Minutes

This online training is currently in a testing phase, to help us evaluate the training and make any improvements please could you fill in a few short questionnaires (by clicking on the links) before you complete the training, and at the end. We really value your feedback and comments, thank you.

Demographic questionnaire
Confidence questionnaire  (Pre-Online Training)

This training is designed for professionals and family members supporting an individual recovering from an eating disorder. The training covers multiple environments where meal support may occur: an acute hospital, SEDU (Specialty Eating Disorder Unit) and a community environment. It is important to note that the skills highlighted are transferable to all environments and the scenarios demonstrated may occur in any environment. The aim of this training is to increase confidence and competence with delivering meal support. The focus is on meal support procedures and how to support patients before, during, and after a meal for best practice. Throughout the training we will refer to ‘meals’ but this can also include snacks and supplement drinks. The term ‘patient’ is used to describe any individual receiving meal support, although we acknowledge that they may not always be a patient specifically. Although this training may support family members and carers through providing knowledge and skills related to meal support, it is important to highlight that this is not intended to replace family-based treatment for eating disorders.

Training Modules

  • Starting Well: supporting patients before a meal.

  • How to support patients during a meal.

  • Ending Well: supporting patients following a meal.

At the end of each module there will be some questions to check your knowledge and learning.